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Monday, September 30, 2013

Countdown, Back to Work.....One Week

Things are going fine in the healing department.  I'm a little slow, but we all knew that already :)  My main problem hasn't been recovering from surgery, which by the way is going to take way more than 6 weeks.  I will just have to start back to work then.  Incidentally, 6 weeks puts me back to work next Monday, the 7th.  October 7th seemed like such a far off time, 5 weeks ago.  Now it may as well be tomorrow.  Anyhow, back to my main problem.  I can't stay well!  I keep getting sinus crap!  I don't usually use words like that when I write, but let's just tell it like it is, shall we?  It's crap!  Utter crap.  I was sick the second week after surgery for a week.  I had a bit of a break and then, wham!  Upper respiratory infection of some ungodly sort.

And it was strange.  I don't know if any of you has had a cold come on and you could pinpoint the EXACT moment that the germ won the antibody battle.  For me, it was 7 p.m. on Saturday, the 21st.  We had just come home from having dinner with friends, and I felt it.  My swallow didn't feel quite 'right' you know?  Like someone tele-ported a shooter marble to the back of my sinus cavity. It was just there all of a sudden.  No gradual onset here.  And it persisted!  I fought and fought and heaped all manner of home remedy upon the ugly thing for a whole week!  With no victory in sight, and the monster making its way from my sinuses to  my throat, I surrendered. Friday morning I went to the doctor.  He made me breathe while he listened.  Not in my lungs yet.  Just in time.  He pulled out his magic pad and sent a prescription of amoxicillin to my pharmacy.  I went in, picked it up, along with some mucinex and headed home.  On the way out, I shook my finger at the pharmacists and said, "Now, you don't want to see me in here again."  Laughter erupted from behind the counter and I knew my humor was not lost on them.  Now with that knowledge and drugs, I could get some rest. ....So, Monday, I was back at the pharmacy for more drugs.  More cream for my incision that is still healing, and medicine for my darling son, but that's next week's post. :)

The antibiotics made me feel just awful.  Everything tastes like a sixteen-penny nail.  Something, I guess the antibiotics, makes me crazy tired.  I slept most of last week.  The only things I remember are trips to the bathroom and an occasional meal, the origins of which remain fuzzy.  Did I cook?  Did someone bring me this?  Hard to say, but the house didn't burn down and I still have all my fingers, so I'm calling it a win.

Have a great week everyone, and whatever you do, be awake while cooking!

God Bless you All :)


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