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Monday, July 22, 2013

It's the weekend again...

It has been a weekend of waiting.  I guess maybe I worry too much.  I just keep thinking of how hard it is going to be to get all this money together.  My official deadline to have the procedure paid in full is no later than August 12th.  That means I have about $2545 dollars to go.  I have received generous donations in the amount of $150 dollars so far. I am so grateful.  But I'm also a little afraid that I'm not going to make my deadline. 

Time sneaks past so fast when you are preoccupied with the business of continuing to live a life in the mean-while.  Example?  My son's birthday is next Tuesday, the 31st.  If I was going to have a party for him, it would have to be THIS Saturday.  This Saturday!?  How the heck did it get here so fast!? That isn't going to happen.  It just got here way too fast.  The poor kid will have to have multiple small birthday celebrations with different parts of the family on different days. I bet he'll cope with that fine :)

Someone said something to me today that I HAVE to remember:  Don't ask God for the money that you need.  Ask God to Fund your need.  He may have some other method in mind to get you to your goal.  I am holding on to that.  My Father-in-Law preached about HOPE Sunday.  I would say that his message was timely, wouldn't you?  All I can hold on to is hope.  I have worked hard to get as far as I have gotten with this endeavor so far.  I just have to hold out hope and have faith that God will carry me the rest of the way.

My low back is pretty sore with this weekend of rain storms, and I woke up this morning with a bum knee.  I was pecking away at my hedges, trying to get them in shape before I have surgery, and apparently when I tripped over a limb it twisted, but my brain didn't get the memo until 4 o'clock this morning.  Thank God for the rain!  I don't care that I'm a human barometer, as long as my rose bushes get a long awaited drink!

Have a blessed day! 

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