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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wait on the Lord.

Yesterday afternoon, my friend reminded me to wait on the Lord and Consider it Joy to face your trials, because it means there is ample opportunity to see God work.  Thirty minutes later, I got a phone call.

My goodness, how fast things can turn around!  I have been given the gift of a loan from some very close family.  The immediate need to raise $2400.00 has been met!  My up-front payment to the plastic surgeon will be covered in plenty of time for surgery, so I will be able to have far more successful a time healing from the two operations simultaneously.  I still have to raise and save as much as I can to pay off these two loans, but now that the time constraint is lifted, I can focus on my health and family until surgery on August 26th. 

I can also focus on making my CD the best that it can be.  I have several songs already recorded, but plan to record a few more, including three or so that I have written myself.  My hope is that my music will suffice as a deep thank-you to those of you who have contributed, or who plan to do so.  I will probably ask for a donation of $10 for each CD, but everyone who sends or plans to send any amount will get a CD.  I wish there was more I could give.  I don't know how I can ever thank all the people that are praying for me, supporting my efforts, and encouraging me through this very scary time. 

On health: Everything is pretty okay at the moment.  I do have constant low back pain and a lot of abdominal pain.  I assume it is from the tumor taking up so much room in there.  Thankfully, though, I can play through it so far.  My main goals from now up until surgery are to:

~Enjoy Riley's Birthday Festivities
~Get prepared for time off at work
~Get prepared physically and mentally for surgery
~Get Riley back into school
~Enjoy the rest of my summer!

On Music:  If you want to see examples of my music, you can visit my facebook musician's page at, or my youtube channel at  I hope to have the CD ready soon.  It won't be a high-quality studio mix, but it will be all original, all me, and all from the bottom of my heart.

God Bless You All!

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