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Friday, September 23, 2016

Volume 2 ... Chapter Five

So, now it's Friday, one week ago today.  8:00 a.m.  Pelvic ultrasound with a full bladder.  A full bladder in an already full abdomen is..less than comfortable. They decided that imaging was not accurate enough and went with a TVUS test.  A TV ultrasound is even less than less than comfortable.  If you are reading this, and you are a guy,  I am sorry....and I am only going to say this once:  TV stands for trans-vaginal.  They go up 'in there' with a wand and take images from below instead of above.  There, that's over with.

Anyhow:  That test produced some more accurate results than any of the previous testing.  To recall, we started with an MRI for unrelated back pain and numbness in my foot. This produced results which indicated a 5 cm mass lower left abdomen.  Then a pelvic ultrasound which showed pretty much nothing detailed about the mass because there was too much shadowing.  Then a CT scan which revealed the mass doubled in size in a short two weeks' time.  Then a second CT two weeks later showed thankfully no additional growth.  Blood tests were within normal limits, but with ovarian cancer as a concern, this isn't always helpful information.

This most recent test revealed more of the true nature of the existing mass, and introduced a new one on the other side.  The one on the left is of multiple densities. (concern for cancer) It is very low and out to the left of the rest of the mass/tissue. (not necessarily tied directly to the ovary. (concern for cancer).  It is wrapped around my iliac artery(concern for cancer due to the tendency for cancer to search out an existing blood supply).

Here is a picture of this artery.  It's a big one.  Not a little tiny one.

So the surgeon says the risk that this is cancer IS great enough to send me to a Gynecologic Oncologist.  She could do the surgery and remove everything, but she cannot test and stage it if it turns out to be cancer.  An oncologist can stage during surgery. If I had the surgery here, I would have to heal and await results and then go have more surgery later to address any remaining issues. Click this link to find out how ovarian cancer is staged,

I obviously pray that this is not cancer. But I am also a realistic person, and want to be as informed as possible about my condition, care, and outlook.  If you are reading this, and you are facing the unknown, please seek knowledge, and plan for the worst while working hard to achieve the best.  I have 4 days to go before I meet my surgeon.  Meanwhile:

Pain is a terrible burden to bear, 
I know it won't kill me and though it's not fair, 
I can manage, but it takes all my energy.
I'll be grateful when pain is a memory.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear all the pain you are going through, and the unknown you are facing! I pray that you will turn to God for comfort and strength. He is the ultimate physician. I will keep you all in my prayers!

    1. Lynn, thank you. I can't say enough how much I appreciate you and all those like you who give me encouragement and support. I am pretty scared, but putting it all down in words and trying to get it out of my head. Thank you for reading and commenting :) Please share!

  2. Best wishes Kimberly.
    I hope for the best. Hopefully no cancer,, and the surgery will get rid of your pain.

  3. Namaste, Dear One. Sending you healing energy and peaceful thoughts. Much love, Pat

  4. Kimberly. So sorry. Let me know if I can help. Keep Riley. Whatever. Miss him. Prayers for you. Anna
