Results of the CT Scan recommend surgery. I am in a lot more pain than I have been. NP gave me Tylenol3, which doesn't touch the pain, and makes me too sleepy to work. I hear from the Surgeon's office, and they tell me that it will be more than 2 weeks before I can even see the Physician's Assistant. (!?!) I am in ever-worsening pain and am starting to get scared. I call my insurance company's 24/7 Nurse Help line. They recommend I head to the emergency room right away. My wonderful Mother-in-Law comes and takes me in. It has been 2 weeks since the CT scan and I just know that this mass is bigger still.
Note: My wonderful mother is upstairs in surgery, having been diagnosed on Tuesday of the same week with breast cancer. She is scared. My dad is scared for her. Now he and the rest of the family are worrying about me, too, which really only makes me mad. [Fast forward a little bit: her cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes, and she will not have to have chemo. She will start radiation in about three weeks or so, and is back to work, and busy taking care of other people again.]
So, back to the E.R. They do another CT scan to see if there has been any change. There hasn't. Except my pain level is increasing. They give me something stronger for pain and send me home to wait for my appointment. I am feeling sick to my stomach by the time I get home. So I can only take half a pain pill. The whole pain pill isn't helping much with the pain. In fact, between the pelvic pain and the back pain, I am walking with a cane just to stay steady on my feet.
I finally make it to the day of the appointment with the Physician's assistant, and she decides I really need to see the Surgeon, who agrees to see me right away. This does not begin well.
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